
dinsdag 3 september 2024

Marx and Money

Karl Marx, the alleged economist who sought to scientifically prove the inevitable downfall of capitalism and subsequent proletarian revolution leading the world into communism, was entirely unable to manage his personal finances. An overview of his abominable mooching and spending.
(Excerpt from the book - click on the image to read). 


vrijdag 8 december 2023

Marx and the Proletarian Revolution


It wasn’t just Marx who saw how commoners were being exploited by the juggernaut of capital. Both left and right-wing politicians, aristocrats, union delegates and intellectuals helped introduce numerous laws—the British Factory Acts—to alleviate the burden of the worker. It was hard for Marx to disapprove publicly of these laws, but in his heart, he did. Firmly convinced that class struggle was “the great lever of social transformation”, he distanced himself from the fledgling German Social Democrat Party because it was “showing that it does not wish to pursue the path of forcible, bloody revolution”. Remediating injustices through peaceful and legal means, as the party intended, would not lead to a great revolution and was thus not the desirable approach?

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donderdag 27 juli 2023

Marx: A Great Thinker?


This year marked the 140th anniversary of Karl Marx’ death. Today, he is still considered by many both within and beyond the academic sphere as one of humanity’s greatest thinkers of all time. Not only did he provide the ideological impetus for Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and many other mass-murdering revolutionaries; he inspired countless social reformers, political figures and philosophers after him. Marx may very well be one of the most impactful intellectuals to have ever walked the earth—an achievement greatly thrust by his utopian promises.

What was it that Marx promised the world? The end of all alienation. What was alienation? The loss of the feeling of belonging to a species. What had caused this alienation? Private property and labour division, Marx argued ....

Continue reading at UKColumn.

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